
Is Fructose Actually “Bad” for You?

What is fructose?What does your body do with fructose?What dose of fructose causes problems?What is the typical daily intake?How should we think about fructose and our health? I believe it’s always best to either know all of the research (versus the hype) OR to...

Body Love AND Goals??

Body love AND goals. Sounds almost like a paradox, right? I’m sure you’ve heard of the “body love” movement – the “love yourself no matter what size, shape, BMI you are,” yes? I am in favor of this. On one condition. That body...

You DON’T Have to Have 60 Minutes to Work Out.

I was talking with a new client the other day and we were discussing how they were stressed about the fact that they felt they could not set aside a full hour out of the day to work out, not in the mornings, or on their lunch hour, or in the evenings .. But they did...
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