Last week we were talking about the benefits of a warm-up. Now let’s discuss the benefits of a cool-down to your workout, and a good process to follow to do so ..


Benefits of a Cool-Down:
  • Provides the body with a smooth transition from exercise back to a steady state of rest
    • Reduce heart and breathing rates
    • Gradually cool body temperature
    • Return muscles to their optimal length-tension relationships
    • Prevent venous pooling of blood in the lower extremities (which could cause dizziness or possible fainting)
    • Restore physiologic systems close to baseline
Suggested cool-down activities:
  • Cardiorespiratory exercise – 5-10 minutes
    • Example: treadmill, stationary bicycle, StairClimber, rower, elliptical trainer
  • Self-myofascial release (foam rolling) – 30 seconds for each muscle
    • Example: gastrocnemius/soleus (calves), adductors (inner thighs), tensor fascia latae (outer hips), latissimus dorsi (back)
  • Static stretching – 30 seconds for each muscle
    • Why? Lengthen muscles back to their optimal length-tension relationships, promoting optimal joint range of motion
    • Example: gastrocnemius/soleus (calves), adductors (inner thighs), tensor fascia latae (outer hips), latissimus dorsi (back)
Try this process at the end of your next workout! I am here to help you get the absolute most from your time spent exercising.

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