
Let’s talk about bilateral lower body training versus unilateral lower body training. More simply, what’s better: a regular squat, or a single-legged squat? Why would we do one over the other? When should we do it?

  • Bilateral exercises:
    • use both limbs together (both legs at once, in the lower body example)
    • are more stable exercises
    • allow for more weight to be used
    • can allow the body to develop/nurture imbalances
  • Unilateral exercises:
    • use one limb at a time (one leg, in this example)
    • challenges the balance and stability of the muscles, therefore improving balance and stability
    • will highlight any imbalances between sides of the body
    • are arguably more functional, as we do many activities throughout the day unilaterally (walking, for example, is a one-legged activity – we are always on one leg)

Check out the rest of the article here!

One of my focuses is to ensure that your body is not only strong, but entirely stable and balanced. With each client, I begin with stabilization exercises to do so! This way, we are not building fitness on top of imbalanced muscles (which can lead to discomfort, pain, and injury if not addressed – none of the things we want!!)

Can I help you with your fitness and maximize the time you are spending on it – pushing hard enough to be most effective and efficient – but not so hard that you have pain and injury? Developing the formal understanding here can keep you healthy and active for many, many years!

Send a direct message and let’s have a conversation about it! I’d love to hear what your health and fitness goals are, as well as what you’re doing right now! Let’s see what we need to do to get you to where you want to be, most effectively! 🙂

Have a fantastic day! ♥

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