
Hey there, Aubrey here.

I’ve been lying in bed for most of today recovering from a cold that sideswiped me. Over the years, I’ve become very accustomed to not getting sick very often at all and I’ve known that each time recently I’ve came down with something, it was because my immune system could no longer keep up with my energy expenditure: between work, mental/emotional stress, etc, you name it.

So, I’ve been drinking green juice, eating soup, and resting a lot.

Having my mother in my home with me for a week (for the first time since 2010, which was now a few lifetimes ago) was a lot of energy expenditure, and then at the same time to keep up with work as well as my own exercise schedule .. well, we now see what happened. I don’t regret the travel and the visit one bit, though – it was absolutely heart-warming and connective in a way I haven’t gotten to with my mother for a number of years now.

Anyway, I’m listening to my body and took the day to recoup. This can be challenging, but oh-so-good for us individually.

At the same time, I’m getting so excited about what we are doing at RW .. Stay tuned ……..

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Our personal trainers are truly lifestyle and wellness game changers. The way I’ve seen them as well as myself come alongside one of our clients and helped them navigate their process has been incredible.

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