
So, it’s September. September is one of these transitionary months we have because the school year starts, the weather begins to turn again, and we all find ourselves adjusting to the shifts.

Before we know it, the holidays will be here. (Please don’t throw anything at me for saying that! It is true..) The days will continue to get shorter and the cooler weather will come in. We’ll shift from the pool to the fireplace, from tank tops to sweaters, and into a different routine.

I’m feeling all of the shift and transition as this is my first week no longer training clients personally. Our staff is doing an exceptional job at taking care of everyone and I am focusing on how we can further our reach and make every piece of what we do even better and more effective.

How do things change for you with the onset of fall coming? What does it mean for your self-care routine, for your exercise, for your nutrition, and for your overall wellness?

From my bike ride last Sunday! What a gorgeous day!

For me, this is my last heavy week of training for my half ironman triathlon on September 29th. I’ve really enjoyed this latter part of my training, though I might say some curse word while thinking about how much I need to swim. Anyway, I’m thinking ahead as I close in on my race .. what will I do after that? How will my exercise routine change? How will my nutrition change? What does all of this transition mean for all of the rest of the parts of my life?

I’ve already made a plan to continue running and strength training, and I also have plans to go and see all of my friends’ studios (yoga, boxing, Crossfit, barre, and more) in October. I really like having a plan in place so that I don’t have to think about it on a daily basis, so that all I have to do is follow through, barring any complications. I get excited to see how it shifts and changes with the seasons.

So, how are you staying active this fall and winter season?

If you’re not sure, we can help. Reach out to us today by applying for an Exploratory Session and let’s have a conversation about it. We craft each plan for the individual, for you!

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