
Join us Saturday, Oct 28th at 1 pm at our Fan location (8 N Robinson St, Richmond) for a one-hour Breathwork & Meditation Workshop!


Every day you take roughly 20,000 breaths. How often do you notice how you breathe? Or the fact that your emotions actually change the way you breathe?
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The opposite is also true: research shows that breathing practices can influence the emotions we experience – and also reduce anxiety, depression, stress, and blood pressure.
In this breath and meditation workshop, we will discuss the relationship between the nervous system and the breath, and practice proper breathing techniques to help the body work towards optimal breathing patterns, posture, and a calm and healthy mind body connection. Then we will go into explanation of meditation and personal practice benefits and finish with a guided meditation to bring your body into a state of calm and peace.
There will be time for questions and discussion! Great for the seasoned as well as the newbie!
When: Sat, Oct 28th @ 1:00 pm
Where: The Well Personal Fitness, Fan location – 8 N Robinson St, Richmond 23220
Cost: Free to current clients, $15 for community members (non-current clients)
Sign up today, space is limited in our studio.

What are the Benefits of Breathwork & Meditation?

In general, meditation and breathwork reliably produce benefits for the body and brain. It brings clarity of mind, increases lung capacity, reduces stress and anxiety, and strengthens willpower and inner and outer health. The aim of breathwork is to increase the oxygen intake of the body. It strengthens the connection between body and mind which improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Most people use it for its calming benefits. Meditation can help lower stress levels, understand pain, improve focus, learn to connect better (both with yourself and with others), and reduce brain chatter.

The science is showing us that our bodies are actually telling us what to do according to how we breathe. The number of breaths we take per minute can make a difference in inducing stress or alleviating it. Read more here!

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