new year holistic personal training

As we embark on a brand new year, it’s easy to focus on the things we intend to accomplish, often with fresh vigor as we consider the fresh start before us..

Have you considered, in all of your goal setting, how you want to feel in 2023?

This was a practice I began and tested in 2022, and I was very pleased with the results. Sure, I had goals in many areas of my life, but also, I set out how I wanted to feel while pursuing them. I wanted to cultivate a greater sense of gratitude and appreciation, as well as ease, warmth, and spaciousness.

If we are only focusing on the end goal of an accomplishment or a milestone of sorts, we are missing out on SO MUCH that can be gained within the process.

A quote I heard the other day was, “it’s the experience that really matters; it’s the process that’s the point.

When you think about it, we spend a whole lot more time in the process than we do in the accomplishment itself. Typically, then when we get to an accomplishment, we’ve already got the next one in sight, which robs us of a large portion of the enjoyment of the accomplishment and depreciates the effort we put in to reach it.

Take some time to consider how you want to feel in 2023. Notice if there is resistance to putting how you feel within your awareness of your goals and intentions. 

Do you want to feel strong? Courageous? Peaceful? At ease? In love? Connected? Open? Empowered? Sexy? Appreciative? Fun? Joyful? Nimble? Energetic?

The options are as endless as your imagination.

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