august plank fitness challenge 1

Welcome to August! Maybe you’re getting ready for vacation. Maybe you’re getting back from vacation. Maybe you’re prepping for back to school. Regardless, this is the perfect time to commit to a little fun fitness challenge that won’t take up a ton of your day but will give you a full body fitness challenge once daily.

Introducing – the plank fitness challenge!

One plank per day for 31 days. You’ll notice a difference in your strength, body tone, posture, and self-confidence!

There are three levels of participation: from beginner to the seasoned planker!

Check out more info and benefits to planking once daily here

This challenge is free to our clients as well as our community members – we’re grateful you are here and happy to be planking with you! Be sure to send us a note or tag us on social media so we can encourage and celebrate you!

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plank fitness challenge 2

Please note to be cautious if any of these risks apply to you: prolapse, after prolapse surgery, pelvic pain conditions, weak or poorly functioning pelvic floor muscles, recent childbirth, obesity

If you’re not already working with us and are curious to learn more and explore how we could help you towards your health, fitness, and overall wellness goals, we invite you to apply for an Exploratory Session below!

“If not now, then when?”

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