
Food labels

I remember when I first embarked on my journey to a healthier lifestyle, not so long ago, and one of the things that I really needed to learn was how to read and understand the food labels on packaged foods. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has a lot...

Do it for YOU

Maybe you know this. Or maybe you could use a reminder. I know I do, from time to time. You are worth it.  I believe that when we take care of ourselves first, we can then take care of others. Now, I’m not saying to be completely self-centered in everything, all the...

Your grocery game plan

One of the biggest hurdles I’ve encountered with clients switching to healthier eating habits (less fast-food, less processed foods, more natural foods and cooking) is the dreaded grocery store… What to buy? How to go about it? Choosemyplate.gov has a lot...
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