

Breathwork & Meditation Workshop 8/19

Join us Saturday, Aug 19th at noon at our Fan location (8 N Robinson St, Richmond) for a one-hour Breathwork & Meditation Workshop! This class will focus on Pranayama breathwork as well as a guided meditation. It’s a great opportunity for those who are new as well as those who have experienced...

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August Plank Fitness Challenge!

Welcome to August! Maybe you're getting ready for vacation. Maybe you're getting back from vacation. Maybe you're prepping for back to school. Regardless, this is the perfect time to commit to a little fun fitness challenge that won't take up a ton of your day but will give you a full body fitness...

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Fitness Motivation: 3 Steps

Starting a fitness journey can be exciting, but staying motivated in the long run is often the most challenging part. We've all experienced moments when our enthusiasm dwindles, and the couch seems much more inviting than the gym. However, finding and maintaining your fitness motivation is crucial...

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Breathwork & Meditation Workshop 7/29

Join us Saturday, July 29th at noon at our Fan location (8 N Robinson St, Richmond) for a one-hour Breathwork & Meditation Workshop! This class will focus on 6 types of Pranayama breathwork as well as a guided meditation. It’s a great opportunity for those who are new as well as those who have...

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Functional Fitness Personal Training

Functional fitness training is an effective way to improve physical performance and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This type of training consists of exercises that focus on developing strength, power, mobility, and stability throughout the body. Unlike traditional weightlifting or cardio-focused...

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Personal Training and Mental Health

Working out on your own can be challenging, especially when you don't have the necessary motivation or knowledge to achieve your goals. That's where a personal trainer comes in. Working with a personal trainer not only helps you achieve your fitness goals but also has positive effects on your...

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Values are Greater than Motivation

Internal motivation by values is A MILLION TIMES greater and more effective than relying on external motivation alone. Insert any external motivating factor you've got in there. Yes, there is a place for those, and I'll call them the starting points. But then what happens when the external...

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Exercise .. an Addiction?

We all probably know at least one person in our lives who is, quite honestly, addicted to exercise. Be it that they have to do something absolutely intense every single day, they're religious about their diet or calorie counting, or simply constantly obsessing over it, no hell storm nor reward...

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Stretching Workshop!

Join me for a one hour stretching workshop and develop a daily stretching routine that you can use for a lifetime! All ages and fitness levels invited: modifications will be provided if you have limited range of motion. The goal of stretching is to elongate your muscles, increase your blood...

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