

Winter Exercise

Winter exercise? Brr! Ah, the middle of winter. Well, just about. It's sure feeling like it, some days, right? Then again, here in Richmond, VA, we can joke about "getting all four seasons within a week.."   I was recently enlightened to part of my distaste of winter being that I'm typically...

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“The Well Fitness is Not Your Ordinary Gym”

"The Well Fitness is not your ordinary gym. They deliver a customized experience that really takes into account your personal goals and not just the cookie-cutter, surface-only service you get at chains. They took the time to do a full physical assessment to meet me where I am and connected me...

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Ways to Get Back into Exercise

What are the ways you can get back into exercise after taking a break, whether because of injury, life circumstances, or any other reason? How do you get started again, in a way that doesn't leave you yo-yoing or injured?  We're going to talk today about how our process works to get you moving and...

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Holiday Overeating

Holiday overeating is not unique to Americans, but it is a cultural trend that is observed in many societies around the world. In the United States, several factors contribute to the perception that people tend to eat more during the holiday season, which typically spans from Thanksgiving in late...

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New Year Lifestyle Changes

Looking for lifestyle changes in the new year? Starting the new year with positive lifestyle changes is a great way to set the tone for the months ahead. Here are some tips to help you get started: 1. Set Clear Goals: Define specific, realistic, and achievable goals for the year. Whether it's...

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Break Up with Chronic Inflammation Like the Bad Habit It Is!

Guest article by Brandi Bovell, owner, Old Mechanicsville Health Spa. Being in the spa & wellness industry for the past 22 years I know a lot about chronic inflammatory conditions and people who suffer with them. Some people are in pain from a car accident, some from work related repetitive...

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6 Ideas to Make You LOVE Drinking Water!

Guest article by Brandi Bovell, owner, Old Mechanicsville Health Spa In my field I have heard every reason under the sun that my clients have avoided drinking enough water. The most common reasons however are; “I dislike the taste of water”, “I have to have my water at a specific temperature”, or...

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Breathwork & Meditation Workshop 10/28!

Join us Saturday, Oct 28th at 1 pm at our Fan location (8 N Robinson St, Richmond) for a one-hour Breathwork & Meditation Workshop!   Every day you take roughly 20,000 breaths. How often do you notice how you breathe? Or the fact that your emotions actually change the way you breathe? The...

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HIIT Workout in Moderation

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a popular and effective form of exercise that involves short bursts of intense activity followed by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise.While HIIT can offer numerous health benefits, there have been concerns raised about its potential impact...

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