

Making Home a Stress Reliever

One of the key things that the onset of the pandemic taught me was the importance of home being a safe haven, a place of stress relief. I already called my home the "Oasis." The importance of this became of utmost importance as the world around us - my late boyfriend and I - became incredibly...

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Getting Fit for the Summer

Getting fit for the summer is still a thing. The summertime is coming, and many people want to get into shape for the beach, pool or just to enjoy the sunny weather. If you're one of those individuals, here are some tips to help you get fit for the summer: Set Realistic Goals - Start by setting...

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Sustainability in Exercise

It can sometimes seem easier to get started than to find sustainability in exercise. At what point, though, do you get tired of the yo-yo, the on-and-off the bandwagon? It’s mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting. How do you crack the code of consistency? If we're connected on social...

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Age WELL with a Personal Trainer

How Do We Age Well? Aging is a natural part of life and there are steps you can take to age well. With the help of a personal trainer, anyone at any age can improve and maintain their quality of movement and life by staying active through strength training and mobility exercises, stretching,...

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The Importance of Hydration in Health and Fitness

Proper hydration is essential for overall health and fitness. Water is essential for nearly every function of the body, from regulating temperature to transporting nutrients to the muscles. Here are some of the key reasons why hydration is so important: Improved Physical Performance - When you're...

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Personal Training Sessions

Personal training sessions are an investment in your health and fitness, so you want to make the most of each session. Here are some tips to maximize your personal training: Come Prepared - Bring a water bottle, towel, workout gear and any equipment you'll need for your session like weight lifting...

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The Benefits of Having Your Own Private Personal Trainer

Having your own private personal trainer is an invaluable asset to achieving your fitness goals. Not only will you have someone who is dedicated to helping you reach your personal health and wellness targets, but you’ll also have a professional coach who can customize the training program and...

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Better than a Great Swimsuit Shot

Of course, we all want to look good in our swimsuit, but even more important is how that makes us feel. To not have to think about what our body looks like in whatever clothing we're putting on it is a gift like none other.I began my fitness journey by wanting to feel comfortable and confident in...

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Benefits of Holistic One-on-One Private Personal Training

If you're searching for private personal training, there are many benefits to working with us if you’re looking to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Our services offer personalized coaching that focus on helping individuals reach their full potential in a safe and supportive...

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