
Recent Testimonials

“I am so happy with my experience at The Well! It has completely changed my life and increased my confidence with exercise tenfold. I came to the Well with goals regarding running another half-marathon without injury, and getting into better shape for my...

How to Regain Fitness

How do we get restarted after stepping back, for whatever reason?   Get a baseline measurement for where you’re at today. Don’t take it as a personal or self-defining mark, but rather information gathering to see what you’re capable of right now.  ...

Daily Inspirational Emails

We’ve been compiling inspirational and motivational quotes and snippets of wisdom for sometime now and have created a quick little daily email sendoff of them for you! It has been shown that the trajectory of our life lies within the trajectory of our mental...

December Plank Challenge!

Join us for a month-long PLANK CHALLENGE in the month of DECEMBER! One plank per day for 31 days. You’ll notice a difference in your strength, body tone, and self-confidence! There are three levels of participation: from beginner to seasoned planker! There’s no catch,...

Class 11/20: Establish a Healthy Stretching Routine!

If you missed us last time (or need/want the accountability to do it again), join us for this month’s online stretching class Saturday, Nov 20th @ 10 am!  Stretching & mobility will be the theme as we welcome the day and the weekend. You’ll leave with...
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