
Daily Inspirational Emails

We’ve been compiling inspirational and motivational quotes and snippets of wisdom for sometime now and have created a quick little daily email sendoff of them for you! It has been shown that the trajectory of our life lies within the trajectory of our mental...

12 Weeks to Transformation with Personal Training

How would your life be different if you were at the fitness level and health that you truly desire? This can be a beautiful motivating factor to implement new lifestyle habits that you can carry with you for the rest of your life, not just a way to “get in shape.” Do...

Digging In and Investing in Yourself

Your health is the best investment you can make in yourself – not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, relationally, and otherwise. Here’s a story of my investments in my work over the past number of years in the creation and evolution of The Well, including...

Make Lasting Changes in 2020!

As 2019 is coming to a close, are you thinking about your goals and intentions for 2020? Is one of those goals to increase and better your health, fitness, and wellness? If so, what’s your plan? Do you have one? We can help you establish a routine and enjoyable...
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