
Hello, Autumn!

So, it’s November. Autumn is in swing, the weather has changed (or is constantly changing, if you’re in Virginia 😉), and we are looking at the upcoming holidays. This is an excellent time to do a self check-in. How are you adjusting to the shifts? Have your...

Habits & Results

What we have today is a result of our thoughts and actions over the past number of weeks and months, even years. Results from the habits we change don’t come overnight. In fact, it can take weeks or months before we see the real changes we are looking for. In the...

WELL Principles (#1/5)

There are 5 principles to our philosophy.  The first principle we embody is Partnership.  We partner with you every step of the way in your health, fitness and wellness journey.   What this looks like: we are a 1-1 custom service. We take you from wherever you are...

Prep for the Cold & Flu Season

That time of year is coming upon us: the cold and flu season. Many of us are giving it more respect and consideration than ever before. What can we do to increase our health, fitness and wellness today to curtail any preventable sickness and strengthen our immune...
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