
Maximize Yourself With Personal Training Assistance

Why a Personal Trainer Matters Many people set off on the journey of getting into better shape without much of a plan as to how they’ll achieve the results that they desire. Simply showing up at the gym is a great first step to improving your fitness level and...

Have Some Fun – Stress Relief

Tough situations and circumstances will arise. It’s up to us to decide to respond in a healthful way. I’m sharing my own current life situation, which has much of my life in a state of transition/flux – between the transition of relationship with Brian, to taking care...

Burnout: Are You In It? What to Do if So

Are you pushing yourself to the point of burnout? What are you using to measure your current situation?  What support systems do you have in place? What are you doing to de-stress? What resources do you have? We have a plan to help you recover and reboot. Grab a pen...

What to Do When Life Hits You Hard

Full wellness means that what goes into our selves – our body (movement, nutrition), our minds and souls (what we see, hear, and take in through all of our senses) – is what comes out. When life hits us, however large or small a crisis or situation may be,...
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