
Keep Fitness & Food Enjoyable

Have you found yourself hating the new habit adoptions you’ve made in the past? Can’t find change that sticks? Did you try a fad diet or workout routine only to revert back to your original routine after only a few weeks or months? Join me today as we discuss...

Exercise & Brain Health

From one of our amazing partners, Dr. Mark Smith, DC, DABCN, FACFN: “More and more information about brain health is emerging and how fitness can protect you from memory loss, depression and more. In fact, I would say that there is enough science to say that...

Exercise Can Save Your Memory

From one of our amazing partners, Dr. Mark Smith, DC, DABCN, FACFN: “I am trying to focus on information that you can use now to create the health and lifestyle that saves your brain. Research has shown that virtually every prescription medication that has been...

The Most Effective Workout Plan

Everyone wants to know what the most effective exercise routine is for the time that you spend working out. I’m here to tell you: Hire a trainer. Follow their plan. Give honest feedback along the way. Enjoyment + encouragement/motivation/coaching to continue + results...

Have Fun with Your Fitness

Why waste your time and your life doing what you think will give you the results you want even though you dislike it, when you can find ways of being active that you enjoy that also give you the results you want? There IS a time and place for forced effort:...
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