
Recent Testimonials

“I am so happy with my experience at The Well! It has completely changed my life and increased my confidence with exercise tenfold. I came to the Well with goals regarding running another half-marathon without injury, and getting into better shape for my...

How to Regain Fitness

How do we get restarted after stepping back, for whatever reason?   Get a baseline measurement for where you’re at today. Don’t take it as a personal or self-defining mark, but rather information gathering to see what you’re capable of right now.  ...

Safety and Sanitation at The Well

We have always been and continue to be committed to providing a safe, healthy and clean exercise experience within our studios. We keep sanitized, clean, low-traffic studios, offering 1-on-1 private functional exercise training as well as nutritional and lifestyle...

Goals Workshop 3/13

What are your fitness goals? How often should you exercise? What type of exercise should you do? How intensely should you exercise? What should you eat? How often? When? How valuable would it be for you to know exactly how to listen to and take care of your body –...

Show Yourself Some Love!

Just because Valentine’s Day has passed, doesn’t mean you can’t still love on yourself. You deserve the love all the time! We’ve put together a program to make it easier to self-love and self-care for your body and your mind through our private personal training. You...
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