
Recent Testimonials

“I am so happy with my experience at The Well! It has completely changed my life and increased my confidence with exercise tenfold. I came to the Well with goals regarding running another half-marathon without injury, and getting into better shape for my...

How to Regain Fitness

How do we get restarted after stepping back, for whatever reason?   Get a baseline measurement for where you’re at today. Don’t take it as a personal or self-defining mark, but rather information gathering to see what you’re capable of right now.  ...

Your Mindset Makes all the Difference

You are not merely subject to your circumstances. You are in charge of how you show up to any circumstance or situation. Your response makes a difference. You can’t fully control your circumstances and what life gives to you, but you can make a difference in what the...

Workout & Philosophize with Me (and Us!)

Join me for 45 min of exercise, including positive philosophy for your brain, foam rolling, static stretching, warm up, workout, and cool down for your body, and good peace of mind! Reach out to us if we can guide you either 1-1 virtually or in one of our virtual...

Why NOT try, and again and again??

I’ve been thinking so much lately on the art of starting again. You know, when we’ve tried something and failed .. maybe in our fitness, maybe in our relationships, or our careers .. really, anything .. How long will it take us to try again? At what point...
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