
How to Regain Fitness

How do we get restarted after stepping back, for whatever reason?   Get a baseline measurement for where you’re at today. Don’t take it as a personal or self-defining mark, but rather information gathering to see what you’re capable of right now.  ...

12 Weeks to Transformation with Personal Training

How would your life be different if you were at the fitness level and health that you truly desire? This can be a beautiful motivating factor to implement new lifestyle habits that you can carry with you for the rest of your life, not just a way to “get in shape.” Do...

Video: Conditioning, and How to Change It!

In case you missed my Facebook live session last night. I talked on conditioning, and specifically, 3 points in reference to it: Takes time and effort to start –> flywheel principle or “snowball” Nothing is wrong with you. Energy comes from movement, the...

I worked REALLY hard and FAILED ..

Many of you know my fitness journey. I was not a particularly active kid. I loved playing outside, but I never played any sports back in grade school. I wasn’t terribly overweight, but I was never happy or confident about my body. After high school, I got a...

Not Motivated???

Not motivated?? I was reading whilst on the elliptical getting some cardio in today and thought to share .. “When your thought life is healthy you are motivated to exercise. Exercised muscles in turn released substances that increase brain health. This an...
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