
Recent Testimonials

“I am so happy with my experience at The Well! It has completely changed my life and increased my confidence with exercise tenfold. I came to the Well with goals regarding running another half-marathon without injury, and getting into better shape for my...

How to Regain Fitness

How do we get restarted after stepping back, for whatever reason?   Get a baseline measurement for where you’re at today. Don’t take it as a personal or self-defining mark, but rather information gathering to see what you’re capable of right now.  ...

Mix It Up! Keep Your Body Guessing!

There is a principle called adaptation that each of our bodies has the potential to use, and, really, does use, daily. Think about it – our bodies adapt to different levels of stress, different foods, different routines, all the time. Mixing up your workouts will help...

The Value of a Coach

You may know a good segment of my journey, and this may be a refresher, but then again, this may be new information to you. From September of last year to February of this year, I went through a downswing of life and personal depression, having trouble finding myself...

What is Sustainable Exercise?

What is sustainable exercise?   How many times have we started out on a new exercise routine, fully committed to give our 100% 5, 6, maybe 7 days of the week to get the goal we have that burning desire for? How many times have we fallen off of that habit because it...
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